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BlueBird Residences is FARR Certified

Being FARR certified means BlueBird Residences has met the Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR) and National Association of Recovery Residences (NARR) standards. This also means that we uphold the FARR code of ethics and the NARR code of ethics!

Grievance Policy

The wellbeing of the residents of BlueBird Residences is of the utmost importance. No person on Bluebird Residences’ property shall ever be mistreated and/or discriminated against in any manner. If a resident feels that they have been mistreated by another resident or staff, they should seek staff assistance immediately. Administrative staff will work with residents to resolve the matter quickly.


If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, BlueBird Residences has a grievance form that may be completed and turn into management. BlueBird residents who submit grievances will not face retaliation, intimidation, or negative consequences. If a resident does not feel as though their grievance has been resolved, they may file a grievance with FARR.

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